This stage of the GR20 will take you into the Incudine massif for the last stages of the GR20 towards Conca
From Matalza to the Asinau refuge | From Asinau refuge to Matalza |
GR20 North > South (stage 14) | GR20 South > North (stage 3) |
10 km | 650 m D | 540 m D – | 10 km | 540 m D | 650 m D – |
GPX trail for the North > South stage | GPX track for the South > North stage |
Download PDF topo | Download PDF topo |
See details of the North > South stage | See details of the South > North stage |
Highlight: The view of the Aiguilles de Bavella | Monte Incudine |
Highest point: 2134 m (Mont Incudine) | Lowest point: 1300 m (Plateau du Cusciunu) | |
Sources: xxx (km5) | xxxx (km8) | |
Accommodation and food: Auberge du Col | Gîte Les Aiguilles | Bergerie d’Aline | Refuge d’Asinau | Refuge de Matalza | Bergerie I Croci | Bergerie de Basseta | |
IGN map: Consult here | Download all GR20 maps | |
Following stage NS: from Asinau to I Paliri | Next stage SN: from Matalza to Usciolu |
Previous stage NS: from Usciolu to Matalza | Previous stage SN: from I Paliri to Asinau |
Stage 14 of the GR20 North > South | Matalza > Asinau
Here’s the profile of the stage between Matalza and Asinau : a gradual 8km climb and a dry descent!
Printable summary and topo of stage 14 of the GR20 North South
1 – This stage of the GR20 begins with a long climb of 8 kilometres and 600 metres of ascent. Starting from the Matalza refuge, head south-east along the Ruisseau de Veracolongu as far as the Bergeries I Croci, which you will come to after about 3 kilometres, after passing the Fontaine di Vallecionca.
2 – You’re on the Cusciunu plateau when you need to continue eastwards up the Punta di Tozzarella and then southwards along the ridge to the Bocca di Chiralba at an altitude of 1750 metres. By this point, you will have covered 6.20 kilometres. Along the way, you will see the Bergeries de Chiralbella on your right, with the Catellu d’Ornucciu and Monte Canoso in the distance.
3 – Continue north-eastwards, crossing the Ruisseau de Bassu Ritondu at the 7th kilometre point, and look out for the Ravin de Trovone on your right, which leads to the Funtana di Silvastrellu. There’s less than a kilometre and a half to go before you reach the Bocca Scazzunara, the highest point of the stage at over 2,000 metres. From here, you can climb to the highest peak in southern Corsica, Monte Incudine (or Monte Alcudina), at 2,134 metres.
4 – Once you’ve rounded Monte Incudine, finish this stage by heading south-east for 400 metres of vertical drop, with the Crête de Concatellu on your left, until you reach the Refuge d’Asinau at an altitude of 1,544 metres.
Report on stage 14 with analysis of IGN maps and photos
You leave the Cuscionu plateau to return to the“High Mountains” in the direction of the Asinau refuge.
The highlight of this stage is Monte Incudine, the highest peak in southern Corsica at 2134 metres.
To begin with, it’s a continuation of what you experienced the day before, namely a hike on a forest path that runs alongside streams and takes you through the pozzines, a landscape similar to the Corsican pozzines of Lake Nino – it’s magnificent!
As you’ll see on the IGN map below, there’s also a link just after Matalza to catch up with the alpine variant). Once you’ve reached I Croci, tackle the climb to Punta di Tozzarella and then follow the ridge to Bocca di Chiralba (1750 metres above sea level).
It’s from here that things get serious: after an hour and 15 minutes’ walk, climb gradually eastwards towards Bocca Stazzunara and then the summit of Incudine: but before that, you’ll find the alternative path from Usciolu on your left. There’s another hour of descent and 500 metres of ascent before you reach the Asinau refuge (1540 metres)
Warning: the GR20 is a trail with high mountain sections, so don’t take this hike lightly: use appropriate hiking equipment for the GR20, be at least reasonably trained and don’t set off without IGN maps or the Topoguide
Videos of the route between Matalza and Asinau :
This video summarises the stage from Matalza to Asinau. The author didn’t stop at Asinau, he went all the way to the Col de Bavella: video uploaded by “GR20 I had a dream”.
Stage 3 of the GR20 South > North | Asinau > Matalza
Here is the profile of the stage between Usciolu and Matalza:
Printable summary of the topo for stage 3 of the GR20 South North
1 – This stage of the GR20 South North begins with a 500 metre climb to the north-west from the Asinau Refuge to the Bocca Scazzunara, the highest point of the stage at over 2,000 metres, after passing the Crête de Concatellu. From here, you can admire Monte Incudine on your right, the highest peak in southern Corsica at 2,134 metres.
2 – From here, a gradual descent begins over the next 8 kilometres. Continue in a south-westerly direction and cross the Bassu Ritondu stream before the 3-kilometre hike to reach the Bocca di Chiralba at an altitude of 1,750 metres. On your left, you can see the Bergeries de Chiralbella with Castellu d’Ornucciu and Monte Canoso in the distance.
3 – Head back north as far as Punta di Tozzarella, passing over the Cusciunu plateau before continuing westwards to reach Bergeries I Croci before the 7-kilometre mark.
4 – From here, follow the Ruisseau de Veracolongu (Veracolongu stream ) until it forks off to the east after 9.5 kilometres to reach the Refuge de Matalza at an altitude of 1,415 metres.
IGN map between Matalza and Asinau
Here is the IGN map of stage 14 of the GR20 between the Matalza refuge and the Asinau refuge, which corresponds to stage 3 of the GR20 South > North. Go to this page to download all the IGN maps of the GR20.