Stage 11 of the GR20

This stage of the GR20 between Capannelle and Prati is relatively long, more or less 17km with the possibility, with a variant, of climbing Monte Renoso before going to Col de Verde

From Capannelle to the Prati refuge From the Prati refuge to Capannelle
GR20 North > South (stage 11) GR20 South > North (stage 6)
17 km | 900 m D | 750 m D – 17 km | 750 m D | 900 m D –
GPX trail for the North > South stage GPX trail for the South > North stage
Download PDF topo Download PDF topo
See details of the North > South stage See details of the South > North stage
Highlight: Bocca d’Oru | Bocca di Verde | View of the Marmanu valley from Ghjalgone | Panorama of the Gulf of Ajaccio from Monte Renosu | Monte Renosu (variant) | Infrastructures on the Verde pass | Marmanu footbridge | The Pozzi sheepfolds | Capannelle ski resort
Highest point: 2352 m (Monte Renoso) for the variant | Lowest point: 1289 m (Col de Verde)
Sources: xxx (km5) | xxxx (km8)
Accomodation and food & beverage: Capannelle resort | Relais San Petru di Verde (Col de Verde) | Refuge de Prati
IGN map: Consult here | Download all GR20 maps
Following stage NS: from Prati to Usciolu Next stage SN: from Capanelle to Vizzavone
Previous stage NS: from Vizzavone to Capanelle Previous stage SN: from Usciolu to Prati

Stage 11 of the GR20 North > South | Capannelle > Prati

Here’s the profile of the stage between Capannelle and Prati: calm until the 12th kilometre!

Profile of stage 11 between Capannelle and Prati

Printable summary and topo of stage 11 of the GR20 North South

1 – First head towards the Bergeries de Traggette to the south of the Refuge de Capannelle. Then head east downhill, with a 200 metre drop, until you cross the Pont de Casaccie, crossing the Ruisseau de Casso.

2 – Continue south-eastwards along Monte Renoso and then Monte Torto until you reach the Plateau de Gialgone and its Bergeries of the same name. During this 6-kilometre walk, you will have passed the Crête d’Accella, seen the Rocher d’Accella on your right, crossed the Serconaccie and Cuscogliule plateaux and crossed the path of numerous streams such as the Ruisseau de Forno and the Ruisseau de Cannareccia, and finally seen the Lacs de Rina followed by the Crête de Pietra Scopina.

3 – From the Bergeries de Gialgone, at an altitude of 1,570 metres, you’ll begin a gradual descent, heading east for 300 metres. After crossing the Passerelle du Marmanu and before following the Taravo River, you can enjoy the view from the Col de la Flasca until you reach the Col de Verde, the lowest point on this stage at 1,289 metres above sea level. In the vicinity of this pass, take time to admire the fountains of San Pietro di Verde and Sialella.

4 – Heading south-east, a climb of more than 500 metres awaits you. On your left, you can enjoy a view of Punta Bocca dell’Oro before reaching Bocca d’Oru at 1,846 metres above sea level.

5 – This is the final stretch before the end of this stage. Head south as far as the Refuge de Prati, with a fairly linear gradient over the remaining kilometre. On your left is the Foce di Prati and on your right the Punta di u Prati.

Report on stage 11 with analysis of IGN maps and photos

This is a stage with two variants: either the classic route via the Ghjalgone plateau, or the more mountainous route that allows you to climb Monte Renoso!

Leaving Capannelle towards the south and Prati

It will take you around 6 hours to walk from the E Capannelle station to the Prati refuge.

Monte Renoso - Lake Bastani

Tips for stage 11 of the GR20

  • Itinerary via Monte Renoso: this is a variant of the GR20 which passes at an altitude of over 2000 metres, a tricky route especially at the start of the season. From Capannelle, head south-west towards Lake Bastani, then reach the Pizzolu plateau and its source. From Capannelle, it takes around 3 hours to reach the summit of Monte Renosu. From the summit, descend due south over the Pietradione ridges and then pass the Pozzi sheepfolds. After a 3? hour walk from the summit, rejoin the main GR20 above the Marmanu footbridge.
Marmano footbridge between Capanelle and Prati

  • Main itinerary in Capannelle and Prati: walk through the undergrowth towards the Traghjette sheepfolds, then follow the D169 road for 80m. After a 3-hour walk, skirt the foot of Monte Renoso, cross the Cannareccia and Lischettu streams and then reach the Ghjalgone plateau to reach the finish of the alternative route
On the heights before arriving in Prati
Not far from Prati

Once you’ve reached the Marmanu footbridge and crossed the stream of the same name, it’s a 2 hour 45 minute walk over the Col de la Flasca to the Col de Verde. It’s a fairly strenuous end to the stage between the Col de Verde and Bocca d’Oru, with almost 800m of ascent. If that’s too much for you and you prefer to save this last section for the following day, you can sleep at the Col de Verde.

Warning: the GR20 is a trail with high mountain sections, so don’t take this hike lightly: use appropriate hiking equipment for the GR20, be at least reasonably trained and don’t set off without IGN maps or the Topoguide

It is possible to spend the night at the Col de Verde before climbing to the Prati refuge.

IGN map of the Col de Verde

Videos of the terrain between Capannelle and Prati:

This video summarises the stage between Capannelle and the Col de Verde, just before the Prati refuge: video uploaded by “GR20 I had a dream”.

Another video of a hiker who doubled between Vizzavone and Prati:

Stage 6 of the GR20 South > North | Prati > Capannelle

Here is the profile of the stage between Prati and Capannelle:

Profile of stage 6 between Prati and Capannelle

Printable summary of the topo for stage 6 of the GR20 South North

1 – From the Prati Refuge, at an altitude of 1,840 metres, head north. Admire the Foce di u Prati on your right and the Punta di u Prati on your left.

2 – After a kilometre’s walk, you’ll reach the Bocca d’Oru, at an altitude of 1,846 metres, where you can admire the view of the Punta Bocca dell’Oro on your right. From here, you begin a 600 metre descent.

3 – Heading north-west, make your way towards the Col de Verde, the lowest point on this stage, at an altitude of 1,289 metres. Take time to observe the fountains of San Pietro di Verde and Sialella around this pass.

4 – Continue along the Taravo River, enjoying the view from the Col de la Flasca and crossing the Passerelle du Marmanu. A little further north and after a few birfucations, you’ll reach the Bergeries de Gialgone, situated at an altitude of 1,570 metres.

the next Bergeries, at Traggette, are around 5 – 7 kilometres away. To get there, head north, crossing many streams such as the Ruisseau de Cannareccia and the Ruisseau de Forno, and crossing the Cuscogliule and Serconaccie plateaux. Passing over the Crête d’Accella, you can see the Rocher d’Accella on your left and Punta Ventosa behind it. Don’t forget to admire Monte Torto and Monte Renoso during this long stretch.

6 – As you make your way along the Ruisseau de Casso, you will come to the Bergeries de Traggette at an altitude of over 1,500 metres. Less than a kilometre to the north separates you from the Refuge de Capannelle at an altitude of 1,591 metres.

IGN map between Capanelle and Prati

Here is the IGN map of stage 11 of the GR20 between the Capannelle station and the Prati refuge, which corresponds to stage 6 of the GR20 South > North. Go to this page to download all the IGN maps of the GR20.

carte IGN étape 111 GR20

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