Stage 1 of the GR20

On paper, this isn’t the most complicated stage of the GR20 ! But the first day on the GR20 is a shock to the body if you’re ill-prepared! It’s also a shock for the eyes, because you’re going to get a good view of Corsica and discover the wonders of the Bay of Calvi in the distance.

Why is it so hard to start the GR20? The hikers leave Calenzana with everything on their backs, probably late in the morning and therefore in hot weather. Ration your water carefully from the start! This day should be a discovery of the rigours and pleasures of the GR20, a baptism by fire for your legs and your lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the stage from north to south (Stage 1 Calenzana > Ortu) and also from south to north (Stage 16 Ortu > Calenzana)!

Between Calenzana and the refuge d’Ortu in both directions:

From Calenzana to the refuge d’Ortu From the refuge d’Ortu to Calenzana
GR20 North > South (stage 1) GR20 South > North (stage 16)
12 km | 1450 m D | 200 m D – 12 km | 200 m D | 1450 m D –
GPX trail for the North > South stage GPX trail for the South > North stage
Download PDF topo Download PDF topo
See details of the North > South stage See details of the South > North stage
Notable points: Bocca a U saltu | Col de Bocca à u Bazzichellu
Highest point: 1605m (xx) | Lowest point: 200m (Calenzana)
Sources: xxx ( km5) | xxxx (km8)
Accommodation and food: accommodation in Calenzana | refuge d’Ortu
IGN map : Consult here | Download all the GR20 maps
Following stage NS: from Ortu to Carrozu  
  Previous stage SN : from Carozzu to Ortu

Stage 1 of the GR20 North > South | Calenzana > Ortu

Here’s the profile of the stage between Calenzana and Ortu: a rather ascending profile, as you can see below!

Profile of stage 1 between Calenzana and Ortu

Printable summary of the topo for stage 1 of the GR20 North South

1 – To get this GR20 off to a good start, set off from theOratoire Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue in Calenzana. This first stage is mainly made up of a long climb from the 200 metre altitude where you are now to over 1,500 metres at the Refuge de l’Ortu. One of the first landmarks you should reach after a 2.5 km walk is the Fontaine d’Ortiventi. From here, you’ll have a great view of the Bocca u Corsu.

2 – Continuing southwards, you will pass the Bocca di u Ravalente at an altitude of 630 metres, with the Capu di u Ravalente on your left. Head south-east through the Forêt Communale de Calenzana, crossing the Ruisseau de Sambucu, and then the Ruisseau d’Arghioa, the Source and the Promontory of the same name.

3 – Your ascent will continue north-eastwards at an altitude of around 900 metres to the Bocca à U Saltu at an altitude of 1,250 metres. Set your compass to the south to follow the Bois de la Fratte, and at the crossroads of a stream, don’t miss the view of Capu Ghiovu on your right.

4 – After a kilometre, you’ll be walking towards the Col de la Bocca à U Bassiguellu. Finally, heading east along the Crête du Fucu, you’ll come to the end of this first stage, at the Refuge de l’Ortu di u Piobbu at an altitude of almost 1,570 metres.

Report on stage 1 with analysis of IGN maps and photos

Leaving Calenzana, you’ll get straight into the swing of things with a gradual ascent towards Bocca U Corsu. To leave the centre of Calenzana and find the start of the GR20, walk along the main street and go straight on from the Spar shop at the bottom of the village. After the GR20 bar/pizzeria turn right and walk up the small streets to the gate at the start of the trail.

Map to go to the start of the GR20 in Calenzana

From the village of Calenzana, at an altitude of around 275m, the GR20 hike begins with a climb, a long climb that will take you to the Ortu di u Piobbu refuge (which you’ll reach after a 6.5-hour walk). On the way, there is only one watering place not far from the start, at an altitude of 500 metres: you need to fill your water bottle there, even if it’s not finished!

In fact, this is a climb that sets the tone, with almost 1,000 metres of positive ascent right from the start as you walk through the scrubland; it’s one of the rare opportunities you’ll have on trail 20 to appreciate Corsica’s famous fragrant flora. As you ascend, the maquis gives way to forest (although the Calenzana fires in February 2019 ravaged some of the slopes).

Map stage 1 GR20 Etape 1 GR20 Capu DI U Ravalente

Before you reach the top of this first climb, you’ll come across the funtana di Ortivinti, the only fountain on the stage but far too close to the start to need to stop. Don’t forget to fill up with water at Calenzana and don’t set off too late, as the hot weather means that hikers cannot set off too late. Don’t forget to take a filtered hiking bottle to avoid any nasty surprises with the water!

View of Calvi Bay in the distance from the GR20

Further on, at an altitude of around 600 metres, you’ll come to a fork in the road leading to Bonifatu, signposted in orange to take the Mare e Monti. Then, of course, follow the white and red GR20 markings towards the rocky Capu di u Ravalente to reach the Arghjova promontory. You’ll be walking for 2 hours 20 minutes at an altitude of just over 800 metres!

Map Stage 1 GR20, second part to Capu Ghiovu

From the Arghjova promontory (2h30 walk from Calenzana), you can see Calvi and the first mountain ranges. Once you reach Bocca a U saltu, the view confirms that you’re in the high mountains! Continue through the forest and then head for the Bocca à u Bazzichellu pass (be careful, the path is equipped with a cable to help you). You’ll already be at an altitude of 1,490 m, so you’ve done the hard part for today. Cross the ridge, walk along the side and then climb slightly towards your goal for the day: the Ortu di U Piobbu refuge

Map Stage 1 GR20, second part to the Ortu refuge

Warning: the GR20 is a trail with high mountain sections, so don’t take this hike lightly: use appropriate hiking equipment for the GR20, be at least reasonably trained and don’t set off without IGN maps or the Topoguide

Some photos of the refuge d’Ortu and the surrounding area:

A serious fire destroyed the Ortu refuge in 2019. Here are some photos of the temporary facilities.

One evening at the Ort di Piobbu Refuge - GR 20
An evening in Ortu, by Julien

Photos of the stage between Calenzana and Ortu:

Videos of the terrain between Calenzana and Ortu di U Piobbu

These videos sum up the stage from Calenzana to Ortu di U Piobbu perfectly. Enjoy the beautiful images posted online by “GR20 I had a dream” and “La côte en Rando”.

More information about this stage

Stage 16 of the GR20 South > North | Ortu > Calenzana

Here’s the profile of the stage between Calenzana and Ortu: a rather downhill profile, as you can see below!

Profile of stage 16 between Ortu and Calenzana

Printable summary of the topo for stage 16 of the GR20 South North

1 – To complete this GR20, set off from the Ortu di u Piobbu refuge, situated at an altitude of around 1,570 metres. Head north-west along the Crête du Fucu, arriving at the Col de la Bocca à U Bassiguellu after more than 2.5 km of walking.

2 – Continue walking in the same direction until you reach the crossroads of the Ruisseau de Frintogna, and don’t miss the view of Capu Ghiovu on your left. From this point, you’ll begin a gradual descent over 1,200 metres in height. Walk north along the Bois de la Fratte and you’ll reach the Bocca à U Saltu, at an altitude of 1,250 metres.

3 – The descent continues through the Calenzana forest, crossing the Ruisseau d’Arghioa, the Source and the Promontory of the same name. Continue north-west to the Bocca di u Ravalente, 630 metres above sea level, with the Capu di u Ravalente on your right.

4 – You’re on the home straight. Descend the last 3 kilometres to the Oratoire Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue in Calenzana, which marks the end of this final stage at an altitude of 230 metres.

Red and white trace of the GR20
The GR 20 trail

Tips for this stage 1 of the GR20

As is often the case when hiking, to avoid the heat, start the ascent to Bocca early in the morning. If you arrive late in the morning, it’s best to sleep in and set off before sunrise, so as not to be on that first slope during the midday heat.

Make sure you leave Calenzana with enough water to last you until you reach the Ortu refuge, a 6-8 hour walk depending on your pace.

This first stage is a very good warm-up: you’ll be doing a lot of climbing, but you’ll also be taking on some technical sections through the rocks: like any warm-up, it’s a gradual process: it would be a real shame to hurt yourself or scare yourself on the first day. On the other hand, this first stage will already be an opportunity to measure yourself and see if you have the level to continue.

IGN map between Calenzana and Ortu

Here is the IGN map of stage 1 of the GR20 between Calenzana and Ortu, which corresponds to stage 16 of the GR20 South > North. Go to this page to download all the IGN maps of the GR20.

IGN Map of stage 1 of the GR20 between Calenzana and Ortu

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